We have talked about the well-known suffragists that traveled nationwide speaking for groups like the National American Womens Suffrage Association (NAWSA) and Alice Paul’s National Women’s Party but organizers at the local and state level fought just...
We are going to talk about another Irish Suffragist who lived and fought for the right to vote at the state level just a little closer to home. This will be shorter than previous posts because not as much is known about the Suffragists who fought with state...
At this point, women like Leonora decided to create groups for themselves, and advocate for suffrage in a way that represented them and put their voice out there. These women felt that cooperative action that focused both on the treatment of workers and women’s...
Yesterday we learned about suffragist and working women’s advocate Leonora O’Reilly, who serves as a great case study in understanding the experiences of working-class women in the suffragist movement, many of whom were Irish. The Suffrage movement existed alongside a...
Leonora O’Reilly was born in 1870 New York City to Irish immigrants that had come to America to escape An Gorta Mor, or the Great Hunger. Leonora’s class makes her stand out from the other Irish American Suffragists that we have talked about so far. Born...
We could not talk about Inez Milholland without also talking about her sister, career singer Vida Milholland. If you missed yesterday’s post about suffragist Inez Milholland, you are going to want to check it out as it provides some nice context to...
Today we would be remiss if we did not talk about Suffragist Inez Milholland Boissevain as she was born in New York on this day, August 6th, in 1886. Her parents, John and Jean Milholland, were dedicated activists who fought for...
We are going to start the #19SuffrageStories with a well-known figure in the Suffrage Movement, Lucy Burns! Lucy was born in 1879 to an Irish Catholic family in Brooklyn, New York. A well-educated student of language...
For the month of August, the Maine Irish Heritage Center will be joining the Smithsonian, US National Archives, the Library of Congress and museums and libraries across the country to examine the fight for Suffrage. Many Irish American women played a role in the...