MIHC Children’s Programming
Attention parents and grandparents! Do you have children or grandchildren under the age of 17 that might be interested in Irish themed activities? Help us improve the Maine Irish Heritage Center experience for children and families by filling out the following...Development Survey
MIHC Business Card Request Form
The Maine Irish Heritage Center is printing cards for you. You have some options for how yours will look. Here’s an example. The areas we’ll ask about are highlighted. Please complete and submit the form below by December 8th. As part of the process, you...Shannonside Ceili Band – Ceili House
The Three Tunes Shannonside Ceili Band 2:11 Three Jigs - Father Kelly's, Carraroe, The Christmas Shannonside Ceili Band 1:56 Irish Airs - Ar M'Eirigh Dhom Ar Maidin, The Flower Of Sweet Strabane , Skibereen Shannonside Ceili Band 2:18 The Fairy Dell Shannonside Ceili...Vote on “Best of All Things Irish” Entries
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Ca Bhfuil Sinn Féin
SEPTEMBER 2020 EXHIBITION Ca Bhfuil Sinn FéinWhere Are We? Enjoy our current virtual art show. It brings together former and current Maine College of Art MFA students who exhibit work that engages their Irish American histories in personal...