Author Application – Holiday Book Fair

AUTHOR APPLICATION FOR HOLIDAY BOOK FAIRApplications will be reviewed to ensure compliance with the event guidelines and will be vetted based on genre. Applications will be accepted until November 15, 2024, or until all genre spots and table spaces are filled. Any...

Irish Voices 2023

Meet the Poets Meet the Musicians Meet the Artists Poets Cormac Culkeen Galway Cormac Culkeen is a writer of poetry, fiction, nonfiction and short stories. He lives in Galway, Ireland, and is currently studying an MA in Writing in NUI Galway, after completing a BA in...

Got Talent? Enter “The Best of All Things Irish in Maine”

Be Part of the 3rd Annual “Best of All Things Irish” Show One of the “Best of All Things Irish in Maine” is you! If you have a talent that you want to share and come from Irish roots, you can enter the competition. The Maine Irish Heritage...

Food Truck Registration Form OPEN HOUSEMaine Irish Heritage Center March 17thdirectly following the parade (12:30 – 4:00) We are looking for food trucks to feed the hungry attendees. Register and be part of the fun! Registration is limited to 4-5 food trucks,...

Brewery Registration Form

Enter “The Best Irish Beers of Maine” Competition Saturday, November 18 During the fourth annual Best of All Things Irish in Maine contest, guests will again vote for The Best Irish Beers of Maine! Maine has an impressive array of beers brewed by committed...