Maine Irish DNA Insights
Let the MIHC Genealogists be your expert guides to understandading your DNA results
This service includes a DNA test and expert interpretation by our Genealogy Team. Once you take the test and the results are in, they will prepare the results for you and compare findings to both our Maine Gaeltacht and Aran Islands projects. Once they have finished their studies, they will meet with you for a consult at the Maine Irish Heritage Center to explain their findings and to give you tips on how to move further at your own pace to identify paternal and maternal matches and connect with many of them.
The FTDNA test will enable you to:
- Get a percentage breakdown of your origins and view which origins correspond with each of your DNA segments.
- Connect with your autosomal DNA relatives within the last 5 generations.
- Learn if you have a connection with ancient European groups.
- Compare matching segments of DNA (blocks) with your genetic matches.
- Genetic males receive an intermediate Y-DNA haplogroup that traces the migration of your direct paternal line ancestors.